The Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate Wholesale

Real estate wholesaling is a quick and lucrative way to make a profit in the real estate industry. If you’re looking to jump into the world of real estate investing, wholesaling is a great place to start. In this beginner’s guide, we will cover how to get started, find deals, and close deals in real estate wholesaling.

Getting Started

First, it’s important to understand what wholesaling is. Wholesaling is when an investor finds a seller who is willing to sell their property below market value and then finds a buyer who is willing to purchase the property above the investor’s contract price. The investor then pockets the difference as their profit.

To get started as a real estate wholesaler, there are a few things you need to do:

1. Understand your market: You need to have a solid understanding of the market you plan to invest in. This includes understanding the demand for properties, rental rates, and population growth.

2. Build a network: You need to build relationships with other investors, real estate agents, and wholesalers in your market. Networking is essential when it comes to finding deals.

3. Educate yourself: It’s important to learn as much as you can about real estate wholesaling before you start investing. This includes learning about contracts, marketing, and negotiation skills.

Finding Deals

Once you’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to start finding deals. Here are a few ways to find properties to wholesale:

1. Direct mail: Sending out direct mail pieces to homeowners who are in foreclosure or have a distressed property can be an effective way to find leads.

2. Bandit signs: Placing bandit signs in high-traffic areas can also generate leads. Make sure to follow local laws and regulations when placing these signs.

3. Online marketing: Advertising your business on social media, Craigslist, and other online platforms can also generate leads.

Closing Deals

Now that you’ve found a potential deal, it’s time to close the deal. Here are a few things you need to know to successfully close a real estate wholesaling deal:

1. Contract negotiation: Negotiating a solid contract is key to a successful wholesale deal. Be sure to include contingencies in your contract to protect yourself.

2. Find a buyer: Once you have a property under contract, you’ll need to find a buyer who is willing to purchase the property. This can be done through networking, online marketing, or by working with a real estate agent.

3. Double close: In a double closing, you simultaneously purchase the property from the seller and sell it to the buyer. This allows you to keep the entire profit without the buyer knowing the original purchase price.


Real estate wholesaling can be a great way to start investing in real estate. Remember to build a network, educate yourself, and find leads through direct mail, bandit signs, and online marketing. When closing a deal, make sure to negotiate a solid contract, find a buyer, and consider a double closing. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to a successful career in real estate wholesaling.